Age: 27, Mother, Wife, Customer Service Manager and Pre-Law
My weight was never an issue, until I had my daughter. During the first 2 trimesters I actually lost 15 lbs. due to bad morning sickness. But soon after that passed I gained back that 15 lbs., plus an extra 50 lbs! At the time I didn’t think much of it. I was sitting with the normal postpartum weight and figured it would drop off slowly.
I felt hopeless.
It didn’t drop off. Instead it packed on and before I knew it I was overweight. I didn’t recognize my body or the person I saw in the mirror. It didn’t happen overnight and I knew that it wouldn’t come off overnight either. I really wanted to change and so I tried conventional “diets”. I joined a gym I rarely went to and even tried my share of so-called miracle “diet” pills, all with very little results. My weight either barely moved, or went down a little and then crept back up almost as fast as it was lost. I tried eating low-fat, but was hungry, crabby and thought about the foods I wasn’t “suppose” to eat all the time.
When I was first introduced to The Carb Nite Solution® I was at my heaviest weight of 175lbs. My goal was 130lb and I knew I had a long way to go. I started out simple, using the basic guidelines laid out the book and the weight began to fall off. It literally fell off.
The first few weeks were pretty easy and of course the anticipation of my Carb Nites helped keep me focused during the weeks. The biggest challenge I faced was planning and preparing food, because after all, I wasn’t just cooking for myself. I have a husband and daughter and both of them are “picky” eaters. I’m by no means a chef, so I was cooking very basic dishes that didn’t require a lot of time or money.
I was really excited when I first opened Transforming Recipes – The Ultra Low-Carb (ULC) Edition. I recognized some of my favorites recipes, only they were transformed into ULC versions. They looked easy enough and as it turns out, I can cook like a chef! I remember the first time I made the Bacon-Wrapped Stuffed Chicken Breast. It not only looked beautiful, it tasted amazing and my family loved it. Even my daughter, who dislikes most things, gave me the approval to make it again!

The process was really easy…I eat what I want and I enjoy it.
I knew it would take time to lose all that I had gained, but the process was really easy and the progress was steady. I loved that eating this way isn’t hard. I get to eat all of my favorite foods so I never feel restricted and I just feel better. I have energy throughout the day, my appetite has actually gone down and I rarely crave sugar. I have my Carb Nite every week and really look forward to it, but mostly because I know how it’s going to help me. Eating your favorite treats because you’re suppose to is wonderful, but it also makes me want them less. Maybe it’s the mental game of always wanting what you can have, and then once you can have it, you don’t really want it anymore. I feel that way sometimes on Carb Nite. I eat what I want and I enjoy it, but it’s also just as easy for me to go back to my ULC days.
New goal: Bringing my body fat levels to a healthy, sustainable range.
It’s been a little over a year and not only did I hit my goal, I surpassed it. When I first started eating this way I figured I’d follow it until I reached my goal. But now, after losing over 40 lbs. and feeling the best I have in a long time, I want to see what else I can do with my body. My current goal is to focus on sculpting my body through strength training. Lowering my “weight” isn’t my priority anymore. Bringing my body fat levels to a healthy, sustainable range is, and of course to build up a strong, shapely frame. Summer is approaching and I’m really excited about wearing clothes that I shied away from for so long.
This is just the beginning and I can’t wait to see what else I can do!
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Alex Navarro has helped numerous clients just like Danielle achieve their goals. If you’re interested in a consultation, please send an inquiry through our contact page.