Before the course, I was constantly hopping from diet to diet but never really had any follow through or encouragement from a third-party to make me stick with it. Since joining the course and signing up with Alex, I received the third-party support I needed to navigate life and my fitness goals in 2020. It has been really helpful for me on both a fitness and personal level, both in terms of finding support and also learning about my body.
About Alex Golodriga
Alex Golodriga is a nationally-renowned personal trainer, fitness competitor, and nutrition programmer utilizing macronutrient time, The Carb Nite Solution® and Carb Backloading™. She has helped hundreds of clients—and thousands more online—reach their fitness goals through a combination of workout programming, nutritional planning through both protocols, and food science education. To consult with Alex on a one-on-one basis, or to become one of her clients, visit our contact page.
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