Perfecting this crust recipe was important to me for a few reasons , but the most important reason was personal. Growing up there were two recipes that my parents made that quickly became my comfort foods. There aren’t too many meals that I look back on and have fond memories of, except for these two, and both start with a tasty crust. After being introduced to The Carb Nite Solution®, I set a goal of making as many Ultra Low-Carb versions of my favorite meals as possible and a crust was at the top of my list. After experimenting with several different versions I finally had a crust worthy of using with my parents recipes.
Quiche recipes will always have a special place in my heart and makes me think of my Dad. The second recipe that I love to use with the Basic Crust is my Mom’s Pumpkin Pie recipe. Luckily, I didn’t have to change either of them very much to ensure that they were fitting in the Ultra Low-Carb guidelines.
You can find the Basic Crust recipe as well as several delicious Quiche filling recipes in the Transforming Recipes cookbook. And if you’re like me and love you some Pumpkin Pie, stay on the lookout for our Ultra Low-Carb Dessert book, coming out soon! I hope you’re as excited about it as we are! Let us what your favorite crust-filling recipes are in the comments below!
Recipe Notes |
Recipes that use our Basic Coconut Flour Crust
This recipe was featured on Sonoran Living Live on ABC15 Arizona. Click on the image below to watch the segment.
Could this be used for a no bake? Or does the crust need to be baked twice?
Due to the addition of eggs it needs to be cooked prior to filling. It also helps the bottom set first so you get a nice crust on the bottom before adding in your fillings.
@AlexNavarro No , I’m a Chef and you don’t need to precook this because of eggs. No need when cooking savoury things.
Because, of course, who doesn’t want a pizza crust that tastes sweet and like coconut, basically like a cake? Did you even stop to think that there are other flours out there that are low in carbs and do not taste sweet? Like, I don’t know, almond flour, soy flour, maybe even throw in there some flax seed meal?
This recipe is for coconut flour crust, for pies. It’s a low carb pastry NOT a pizza crust. If you want a recipe with any other flour you’ve mentioned, there are plenty on the Internet. Don’t think there was any need for your rude message.
DayBerndt Wow, you’re nasty and apparently illiterate.
Thank you for this recipe! I will try to make it tomorrow! xoxo
Wow, you are incredibly rude lady!!! I’ve been searching for something EXACTLY like the this!! SCROLL PAST IF YOU DONT LIKE!!